There is no greater gift to Jesus and yourself, than an hour in silence together.
Please prayerfully consider joining our Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Family.
We are gratitude for all who have been faithfully keeping vigil with Our Blessed Lord,
especially those who have had a dedicated holy hour since the inception of
adoration at St. Joseph's on April 21, 1991.
As Jesus is worshipped and adored perpetually in our parish, countless lives are changed,
and families are nurtured, restored and fortified. Our entire parish and school community is blessed by the outpouring of graces of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Dedicated adorers are needed to take an hour each week during the day or throughout the night,
seven days a week. Join the growing number of parishioners who are offering an hour of silent prayer each week with Our Lord. God asks each of us to keep watch with him and
He's never outdone in generosity.
For information on taking an hour each week, please contact the parish office, 651-457-2781.